Paolo Danese @pdanese
CNH/CNY spread down to 0.66% (it was 1.33% at last week's close). #RMB
PBoC support to #CNH today, but EUR and JPY also gave #CNY ground: PBoC could be trying to reset the CFETS RMB index to 100 (99.96 on Fri)
Very likely, but CNY also rallied against EUR and JPY today...
Market volatility does not equal #RMB depreciation, say experts @GlobalCapNews @GlobalRMB
Def a must read: Jabba the hott: what happened when we used #howhot to rank Star Wars characters?
Meanwhile, the #eurcny fix was lowered by 1.7% vs Jan 7 to 7.1735 #rmb
And it's still Thursday...
China FX reserves down 3.2% to $3.3tn #PBOC #RMB @CEICData1
Despite(?) the #SHCOMP trainwreck, CNY/CNH spread tightens as USDCNH up .24% and USDCNY down .54%. Causal links hard to make atm...