A teaser of things to come: "Heroes of Rise of the Nemesis"!

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Want to meet the heroes (and some villains) in my fantasy universe before the release of Rise of the Nemesis?

Sign up for my newsletter here on the paolodanese.com website, or on portalwars.substack.com and receive a FREE digital copy of the “Heroes of Rise of the Nemesis” booklet!

It will introduce you to Boren, a hero haunted by his past as he embarks on a vengeful quest.

Learn about Kisseltek, a powerful dragon seeking to reclaim his throne.

Meet Feridun, a seasoned warrior, and Deuc, a priest grappling with his faith, as they investigate the rumblings of an ancient power.

Discover Sanda, a young Tek Wielder, and Daiel, a loyal soldier, whose destinies intertwine with the fate of two worlds.

Plus, some AI art by yours truly. I have really enjoyed the process of visualizing my world beyond the page.

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