Path of the Guardian

In this original meld of medieval and Mediterranean worlds, "Path of the Guardian" marks the first entry in the "Portal Wars Saga." Here, tradition...

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Paolo Danese
Paolo Danese

Paolo Danese, author of the 'Portal Wars Saga,' combines his rich international experiences with a career in journalism and technology to craft epic narratives. 

Born in Southern Italy and educated in Canada and the UK, Paolo has lived in Asia for over a decade, first in Hong Kong and now in Singapore. His personal journey infuses his tales with a unique global perspective, enriching the intricate plots and vivid settings of his series. 

'Path of the Guardian,' his first book in the "Portal Wars" saga, introduces readers to a world where medieval grandeur and Mediterranean mystique collide in a story of destiny, magic, and conflict. 

Paolo has worked as a financial journalist, editor, and more recently, as a tech startup founder. He continues to pioneer innovative ways to write and share stories with the world, engaging readers beyond the printed page. 

Get to know his worlds, real and creative, by exploring the realms of the 'Portal Wars Saga'. 

You can also connect with Paolo to follow his ongoing adventures in literature and technology through the links below.

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